Dye printing and coating of printing difference is that the physical adhesion of pigment printing is a combination of methods and fabrics, and dye printing is a Fan power was direct and textile with China, and, in general, to the soft touch printing dyes Some,,,, coating printing will not rubbing relatively good ,,,,,,, other difference is not too major a!!) on prices, is generally more expensive dye printing The ,,,,( other conditions similar to when the
The second problem: the common types of printing it to the main points,,,,
Divided by device: a flat screen printing,, rotary screen printing platen printing ,,,,, ,,,,,
transfer printing .....
By dye points: the active printing, distributed printing, acid printing,,, direct dye printing,, printing, and so on,,,,
Divided by technology to: direct printing .... resist printing ,,,,, foam discharge printing ..... Burnt-out printing ....
There are special printing ....... early on a lot of contact with a lot of the ....( if there is not much to master the necessary ....):
The third question: Half Technology is a non-active printing professional business saying,,,, usually to avoid singeing and free printing with reactive dyes mercerized ,,,,, way ..... steaming process (aging ) Automatic screen printing (automatic screen printing)
There are several methods of textile printing, in which considerable commercial importance, there are two printing methods: screen printing and roller printing. The third method is to heat transfer printing, the relatively low importance. Other rarely used in the textile production of the printing method: wooden template printing, wax valine (ie, wax) printing, tie-dyed yarn, cloth printing and resist printing. Many textile printing factory use.
Wild silk
14 年前